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It gets to me about 2-4pm and I get a headache, my brain just grinds to a halt, and I get super sleepy and take a nap because I'm literally incapable of doing anything else. The only thing I've found...
View ArticleArticle 19
This has been another episode of Mallory's Musings.Tune in tomorrow to learn more about whatever the fuck happens to cross my path and grab my attention.
View ArticleArticle 18
Here's your periodic disclaimer that, with the exception of a narrow list of topics, I have posted (and will post in the future) about things I have only the most superficial understanding...
View ArticleArticle 17
My last point is not that I don't care about being right.My point is that I have ADHD and am blessed/cursed with the ability to hyperfocus. If I want to understand something better, I will find out...
View ArticleArticle 16
Woke up in the middle of the night and started thinking about my time in undergrad of all things. Specifically, how I was finally able to complete my electrical engineering degree.After years of...
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Between of the structure inherent in the educational environment and my own nature, doing those two things would cause a cascade of behaviors that eventually led to success.The problem is that these...
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They are minimum requirements, sure, but not sufficient. The work environment is too unstructured, too self-guided. That cascade of behaviors I relied upon in school don't happen at work, especially...
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Not having enough structure at work has been a known issue to me and my therapist for a while now. I still don't know how to resolve it. Because of my skillset and my interests, my job roles have...
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That paradox has been a constant source of headaches (literal and metaphorical) since I graduated in 2017.I miss undergrad because those rules I had worked. I felt like I understood how to navigate the...
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Tried to pivot into a more "traditional" (and hopefully more structured) engineering role a few years ago, but that failed spectacularly.Not for lack of trying. The pandemic was still a thing at the...
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It's like everything hinges upon getting my meds. If this stupid shortage would end I could probably keep my shit together long enough to work through the problem. Right now I'm stuck in this...
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*sigh* I should get off this fucking phone and try to sleep instead of ruminating on the same shit I always do.
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People were talking in my local astronomy club about going to Texas for the eclipse, and I was like "yeah, I'd love to go there, but that might be hazardous to my existence 🙃" and someone asked what I...
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Split brain on whether to make it explicit that I'm trans or make up some bullshit. Like, part of me doesn't care if they know, but another part of me doesn't want to deal with it.
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I apologized about "referencing politics" and left it at that. I feel like I just chickened out.
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Now I'm in a foul mood. The forecast still isn't looking great for the 8th, and the idea that I might miss a once in a lifetime celestial event because my existence is a convenient political punching...
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Uggghhhhh..... the forecast for the 8th is continuing to not look optimistic. Like, literally everywhere I check along the eclipse path is forecast to be some variation on cloudy or rainy. I'm really...
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How can I be bored but also not want to do anything? I don't like my brain. I want a refund.#ADHD
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